Friday, January 27, 2012

Crayon rebirth

This is our crazy crayon box!
I am not so sure why but my kids are super hard on crayons.  We have so many broken icky little things in our crayon tub.  I was really wanting to pitch them all and start over, what a waste!  Earlier in the week I came upon this!  YEA!  So here is m adventure in crayon creation!
Break the crayons up into a mini muffin pan.  You could coat it with pam, I did not.  We are not a mini muffin type of family so this is a crayon pan!

Put in a 250degree oven and watch them.  Will be melty quick.  When all melted take out.

I then put mine in the freezer till solid. 

They pop out so nice!!!

So pretty

Some had glitter crayons!  Cool!!!

This will look so nice filled all the way up!!  YEA!

1 comment:

  1. I still have crayons from when I was a kid, in a big tin coffee can! What a great idea, Vicky! Thanks!
