Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Turn off that TV.....

Do you hear yourself telling your kids to turn off the TV a lot?  I hate 98% of children's programming these days.  While we will probably never totally rid ourselves of out TV, I limit the kids viewing time.  Number one rule is...NO NEWS.  Really do my kids need to see the news?  NOPE  I hate watching the news.....  I am not saying that your children should grow up in a little bubble unaware of presidents, and solar flares, I just think that it can be presented a little differently that what we view on the evening news.  Kids now a days are stressed out.  The demands placed on children are much different that what we had growing up.  Kids need time just playing, it frees their minds.  My number two rule is NO video games during the school week.  YUP I am that mean.  My kids are well hooked up when it comes to video games, they are not lacking at all.  I have come to know that there is a certain addictive quality to these games, and I prefer to not fight against Mario or Kirby. 
So what do they do?  My kids can do almost anything else....after their home work is done.  They play with water, go outside, read, arts and crafts, legos.  It is called creative play, and they THINK!
My house is a mess...always.  Its fine, I am ok with it.  I know that I have these little ones for such a short time.  Sigh...
(love the tp roll ideas!!)

Oh Yea....I also talk to my kids a lot.  Soon they won't want to talk to me anymore....


 You see I have a very fancy house.  There is tons of art on the walls!  There are strands of baubles everywhere.  BOOKS! 
It is like having my own art gallery!

I love the ideas in Simplicity Parenting! Kids don't need much!  Time mostly, your time!

Did you ever try to cook with your kids?  It may not be the disaster that you think.  Get over the mess, there will be a mess!  All the while you can rest assured that your kids are learning things that they will need later in life!

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