Monday, January 30, 2012

Acupuncture for kids....

My son is a little restless.  He is always moving, his mind is always working, and he has a hard time settling down.  When channeled these are wonderful traits, when unleashed there are some circles of thought who would medicate him!  I am helping him channel his behavior, and it is not always easy.  I have always been interested in Traditional Chinese Medicine.  I have seen it put women into labor, turn malpositioned babies,and deliver placentas.  So when Ethan was really having trouble sleeping, having headaches, and night sweats, I talked to him about trying it out.  My mom had recently gone for a session and found it incredibly relaxing.  Ethan was very excited, and was looking forward to it.  We made an appointment with Cynthia, and after a complete health and nutritional screening we were ready.  Ethan has a fear of needles so we had move slow.  Cynthia is so calm and patient that Ethan was soon at ease!  When she inserted to first needle he did not even feel it.  After the first treatment  he passed out asleep in the car!!!  His teachers noticed, he was so calm.  I am a believer!!! He has not had a headache since his first treatment, he has been having a hard time falling asleep again, so we will soon be going back for another treatment.  I also want to work on his lungs to wean him off of his asthma meds (with our doctors ok).  Anyone in the Chicago area interested in Traditional Chinese Medicine check out Cynthia Love by clicking here!  Enjoy some pictures!!  Of course I would love to answer any questions that I can!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Crayon rebirth

This is our crazy crayon box!
I am not so sure why but my kids are super hard on crayons.  We have so many broken icky little things in our crayon tub.  I was really wanting to pitch them all and start over, what a waste!  Earlier in the week I came upon this!  YEA!  So here is m adventure in crayon creation!
Break the crayons up into a mini muffin pan.  You could coat it with pam, I did not.  We are not a mini muffin type of family so this is a crayon pan!

Put in a 250degree oven and watch them.  Will be melty quick.  When all melted take out.

I then put mine in the freezer till solid. 

They pop out so nice!!!

So pretty

Some had glitter crayons!  Cool!!!

This will look so nice filled all the way up!!  YEA!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Turn off that TV.....

Do you hear yourself telling your kids to turn off the TV a lot?  I hate 98% of children's programming these days.  While we will probably never totally rid ourselves of out TV, I limit the kids viewing time.  Number one rule is...NO NEWS.  Really do my kids need to see the news?  NOPE  I hate watching the news.....  I am not saying that your children should grow up in a little bubble unaware of presidents, and solar flares, I just think that it can be presented a little differently that what we view on the evening news.  Kids now a days are stressed out.  The demands placed on children are much different that what we had growing up.  Kids need time just playing, it frees their minds.  My number two rule is NO video games during the school week.  YUP I am that mean.  My kids are well hooked up when it comes to video games, they are not lacking at all.  I have come to know that there is a certain addictive quality to these games, and I prefer to not fight against Mario or Kirby. 
So what do they do?  My kids can do almost anything else....after their home work is done.  They play with water, go outside, read, arts and crafts, legos.  It is called creative play, and they THINK!
My house is a mess...always.  Its fine, I am ok with it.  I know that I have these little ones for such a short time.  Sigh...
(love the tp roll ideas!!)

Oh Yea....I also talk to my kids a lot.  Soon they won't want to talk to me anymore....


 You see I have a very fancy house.  There is tons of art on the walls!  There are strands of baubles everywhere.  BOOKS! 
It is like having my own art gallery!

I love the ideas in Simplicity Parenting! Kids don't need much!  Time mostly, your time!

Did you ever try to cook with your kids?  It may not be the disaster that you think.  Get over the mess, there will be a mess!  All the while you can rest assured that your kids are learning things that they will need later in life!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

FYI storage guidlines for breastmilk fromm LLLI

Storage Guidelines

All milk should be dated before storing. Storing milk in 2-4 ounce amounts may reduce waste. Refrigerated milk has more anti-infective properties than frozen milk. Cool fresh milk in the refrigerator before adding it to previously frozen milk.
Preferably, human milk should be refrigerated or chilled right after it is expressed. Acceptable guidelines for storing human milk are as follows. Store milk:
  • at room temperature (66-78°F, 19-26°C) for 4 hours (ideal), up to 6 hours (acceptable) (Some sources use 8 hours)
  • in a refrigerator (<39°F, <4°C) for 72 hours (ideal); up to 8 days (acceptable)
  • in a freezer (-0.4 to -4°F, -18 to -20°C) for 6 months (ideal) up to 12 months (acceptable)
What Type of Container to Use
The best options for storing human milk:
  • are glass or hard-sided plastic containers with well-fitting tops
  • containers not made with the controversial chemical bisphenol A (BPA)
  • are containers which have been washed in hot, soapy, water, rinsed well, and allowed to air-dry before use
  • containers should not be filled to the top - leave an inch of space to allow the milk to expand as it freezes
  • freezer milk bags that are designed for storing human milk
  • put only 60 to 120 ml (two to four ounces) of milk in the container (the amount your baby is likely to eat in a single feeding) to avoid waste
Disposable bottle liners or plastic bags are not recommended. With these, the risk of contamination is greater. Bags are less durable and tend to leak, and some types of plastic may destroy nutrients in milk. Mark the date on the storage container. Include your baby's name on the label if your baby is in a day care setting.
Taken fromm the LLLI web site.

101 Reasons to Breastfeed

This is just beautiful!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

For all those Pumping, Working Mamas out there, YOU have rights!

Returning to work after having a baby was the hardest thing I ever did!  Yes even harder that natural labor and almost 4 hours of pushing!  I cried, I felt guilt, I worried!  All that and my babies were with my husband!  Really with all that going on, why should a mama have to worry about not being allowed to pump!  It is a law people!  Sigh....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Breastfeeding...Is it adult content?

I am not really into comics at all, but I kinda liked this cover.

Some people think that this is adult content due to the mother nursing a child....mmmm..HOW ABOUT THE GUN PEOPLE! HA!
If you dont have time to read the whole article, here is my favorite paragraph.

Children, of course, do not think that breastfeeding is indecent or obscene until they are taught to think it. Even adults who say that the sight of a nursing mother makes them uncomfortable are surely guilty of a learned bias; they are categorizing breastfeeding among all other public exposures of private parts, when in fact it is quite distinct. Breastfeeding is not gratuitous, immoral, sexual or unhygienic. It is protected by the law in most Western countries, while any form of "indecent exposure" is condemned.

Read More:

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Feeling a little scientific today???

I  love Kathleen Kendall-Tackett!  I had the opportunity to hear her talk at a PPD conference. she is so smart!  I encourage you to check out her web site, can you say psychoneuroimmunology????  How bout 3 times fast!!!

Tons of info on PPD and PTSD, how it relates to inflammation and EFA(essential fatty acids).  Be strong and be educated!  Dare I say be UPPITY!!!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Natural Product Review! Piggy Paint Nail Polish.

If you are like me, you try to avoid overloading your little sweeties with toxic chemicals.  I have been blessed with and overly girly, girl who loves all things frilly.  At the tender age of 5 she adores nail polish and make up.  What is a natural momma to do???  My buddy Dana told me about this nail polish called Piggy Paint.  It comes in super fun colors, and has NO odor!  It claims to be as natural as mud.  I would have to say that this product wears about the same as any nail polish would on a 5 yr old girl.  Lets face it they are rough on their nails!  I love the bright colors, they are really fun!

Here are some picture of our nails on day one.  Please note there is no top coat used on either one of us.  I did blow dry the nails for one minute on low heat setting, they dry up nice and quick!

I will take a pic tomorrow ans in a few days to see how it is holding up.  Enjoy!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Looking for a breastfeeding book?? Ask around!

Not all books are created equal, and just because it is published it is not guaranteed to be quality information!  If you are looking for a place to get information on breastfeeding, and you choose to buy a book you have thousands to choose from.  I have read many books on nursing both for pleasure, and while studying for my IBCLC.    I would suggest to anyone looking for a book to first look at the author, then if there is a professional organization, or company involved in its creation.  Is the author a IBCLC?  A doctor?  A midwife? Who has training in breastfeeding?  Very little time is spent teaching MDs about breastfeeding, so where is the info coming from.  I am not saying at all to not trust your doctor about feeding your baby, I am just saying look at where there info is coming from, go to the source!  There are doctors who have dedicated their lives to helping babies and mom's breastfeed.  Look to see if there was a formula company funding the book.  Really, is that OK?  It is a business and if they are to be successful, they need you to buy their product right?  Here is an interesting article for you to read!

Dr Jack Newman and  Edith Kernerman have developed a wonderful resource for online use!  It is wonderful!

And for fun to start the new year out right! I love Sesame Street and I loved the 70's!
Younger baby more coverage!  Hello 80's!

What are some of your favorite breastfeeding resources/ books??  Who do you turn to for advice?  Sharing this information may help someone else!  Leave a comment!